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The Orrids of Uriezzo

Orridi di Uriezzo

The Orrids of Uriezzo are a spectacular and sculpture result of the erosion of the waters complex of gorges, made thanks to the action of the streams that once flowed downstream of the Toce Glacier.

Sint in Valle Antigorio, in the municipality of Premia (Provide of Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)

During the last glaciation, which ended about 12,000 years ago (called Wurmiana Glaciation), the Antigorio Valley was occupied by the extensive Toce Glacier, which exceeded 1,000 meters.

Downstream of it flowed countless streams, which, flowing impetuously, generated vigorous waterfalls able to sculpt the rock with their swirling and energetic movement, which over time have eroded the rock generating narrow valleys and gorges at meandriform gallows. With the retreat of the glaciers, the streams also retreated and left what are today the Orrids of Uriezzo, with an incidable and almost surreal appearance.

Currently, in fact, the waterways no longer flow inside them and it is therefore possible to easily visit them on foot.

The horrid of Uriezzo can now be visited as they are no longer crossed by the waters, while the orrid of Arvèra is still active and traveled by the waters of Toce, which, after crossing the Orrido di Balmasurda, visible from the bridge of Balmacorda, enters the plain of Verampia.

The itinerary leads to the discovery of the horrid South and the North-East horrid and continues in Maiesso where the spectacular and evocative Giants’ Weapons are located: here the melting waters of the ancient ice of Toce have gathered forming currents and vortices that have dug the rock to erode and make visible the deepest layer called “Elemento 0”.

The Orrids are characterized by a series of large subcircular cavities separated by narrow and tortuous tunnels. The walls are all sculpted by niches and grooves produced by the swirling and violent motion of waterfalls. At certain points they approach so much that from the bottom they do not allow the sight of the sky.

  • Urrido Sud: called by the inhabitants of the place Tomb d'Uriezzo, it is the most spectacular, about 200 m long and from 20 to 30 meters deep

  • North-East Orrid: about 100 m long and a dozen deep, very narrow in some places

  • West Orrid: less characteristic, consisting of two distinct traits.

A fourth horrid, which takes the name of Vallaccia, is located just below the Church of Baceno, but is difficult to access and ends with a jump on the Devero stream.

The Orrids are a complex ecosystem characterized by high humidity, low light, smooth and smooth walls. Various plant species, especially mosses and ferns, are able to adapt to such difficult environmental conditions and are present in great variety.


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